COVID isolation: Mental well-being while staying at home
The UK NHS has released a list of helpful resources to assist in safeguarding your mental health during this current COVID isolation period. We have reproduced some of it here for the purpose of allowing indexing of the many sections, hopefully making access a bit quicker and easier.
Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus (COVID-19).
You may feel bored, frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you.
It's important to remember that it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.
The tips and advice here are things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope with how you may feel while staying at home. Make sure you get further support if you feel you need it.
The government also has wider guidance on staying at home as a result of coronavirus.
To read the complete NHS page 'Worried about coronavirus' click here.
For a more complete resource on mental health see the NHS page 'Every Mind Matters'.
1. Find out about your employment and benefits rights
You may be worried about work and money while you have to stay home – these issues can have a big effect on your mental health.
If you have not already, talk with your employer about working from home, and learn about your sick pay and benefits rights. Knowing the details about what the coronavirus outbreak means for you (England and Wales only) can reduce worry and help you feel more in control.
2. Plan practical things
Work out how you can get any household supplies you need. You could try asking neighbours or family friends, or find a delivery service.
Continue accessing treatment and support for any existing physical or mental health problems where possible. Let services know you are staying at home, and discuss how to continue receiving support.
If you need regular medicine, you might be able to order repeat prescriptions by phone, or online via a website or app. Contact your GP and ask if they offer this. You can also ask your pharmacy about getting your medicine delivered, or ask someone else to collect it for you.
If you support or care for others, either in your home or by visiting them regularly, think about who can help out while you are staying at home. Let your local authority (England, Scotland and Wales only) know if you provide care or support someone you do not live with. Carers UK has further advice on creating a contingency plan.
3. Stay connected with others
Maintaining healthy relationships with people you trust is important for your mental wellbeing. Think about how you can stay in touch with friends and family while you are all staying at home – by phone, messaging, video calls or social media – whether it's people you usually see often, or connecting with old friends.
Lots of people are finding the current situation difficult, so staying in touch could help them too.
4. Talk about your worries
It's normal to feel a bit worried, scared or helpless about the current situation. Remember: it is OK to share your concerns with others you trust – and doing so may help them too.
If you cannot speak to someone you know or if doing so has not helped, there are plenty of helplines you can try instead.
5. Look after your body
Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour that end up making you feel worse.
Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. Avoid smoking or drugs, and try not to drink too much alcohol.
You can leave your house, alone or with members of your household, for 1 form of exercise a day – like a walk, run or bike ride. But make you keep a safe 2-metre distance from others. Or you could try one of our easy 10-minute home workouts.
6. Stay on top of difficult feelings
Concern about the coronavirus outbreak is perfectly normal. However, some people may experience intense anxiety that can affect their day-to-day life.
Try to focus on the things you can control, such as how you act, who you speak to and where you get information from.
It's fine to acknowledge that some things are outside of your control, but if constant thoughts about the situation are making you feel anxious or overwhelmed, try some ideas to help manage your anxiety.
7. Do not stay glued to the news
Try to limit the time you spend watching, reading or listening to coverage of the outbreak, including on social media, and think about turning off breaking-news alerts on your phone.
You could set yourself a specific time to read updates or limit yourself to checking a couple of times a day.
Use trustworthy sources – such as GOV.UK or the NHS website – and fact-check information from the news, social media or other people.
8. Carry on doing things you enjoy
If we are feeling worried, anxious, lonely or low, we may stop doing things we usually enjoy.
Make an effort to focus on your favourite hobby if it is something you can still do at home. If not, picking something new to learn at home might help.
There are lots of free tutorials and courses online, and people are coming up with inventive ways to do things, like hosting online pub quizzes and music concerts.
9. Take time to relax
This can help with difficult emotions and worries, and improve our wellbeing. Relaxation techniques can also help deal with feelings of anxiety.
10. Think about your new daily routine
Life is changing for a while and you are likely to see some disruption to your normal routine. Think about how you can adapt and create positive new routines and set yourself goals.
You might find it helpful to write a plan for your day or your week. If you are working from home, try to get up and get ready in the same way as normal, keep to the same hours you would normally work and stick to the same sleeping schedule.
You could set a new time for a daily home workout, and pick a regular time to clean, read, watch a TV programme or film, or cook.
11. Look after your sleep
Good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how we feel, so it's important to get enough.
Try to maintain your regular sleeping pattern and stick to good sleep practices.
12. Keep your mind active
Read, write, play games, do crosswords, complete sudoku puzzles, finish jigsaws, or try drawing and painting.
Whatever it is, find something that works for you.
15th May 2020: Shielding advice to continue until the end of June.
The original shielding letters and advice that have been sent out to people who are highly vulnerable to COVID-19 (coronavirus) infection stated that all recipients of the letter should completely isolate themselves from physical contact, not go outside of their homes for 12 weeks.
This advice was sent to all patients of the National Aspergillosis Centre (NAC) who have chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA).
Patients who have allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), severe asthma and forms of aspergillosis other than CPA were informed of their vulnerability status by their local respiratory clinic or GP. Some will have been told to shield, others not but all shielding advice was to remain in place for 12 weeks from the day of receipt of the letter.
That advice for people shielding has now been amended to say that all shielding people should continue shielding until the end of June 2020.
Latest advice from Welsh government
Latest advice from Scottish government
Latest advice from Northern Ireland
May 11th 2020: UK Government updated advice for vulnerable people during the COVID-19 epidemic
General population
Now that an overwhelming peak of COVID-19 cases has been avoided in the UK, at least for the time being UK government has advised the UK general population that:
- People and employers should stay safe in public spaces and workplaces by following “Covid-19 secure” guidelines. This should enable more people to go back to work, where they cannot work from home, and encourage more vulnerable children and the children of critical workers to go to school or childcare as already permitted
- You should stay safe when you leave home: washing your hands regularly, maintaining social distancing, and ensuring you do not gather in groups of more than two, except with members of your household or for other specific exceptions set out in law
- You must continue to stay home except for a limited set of reasons but - in line with scientific advice - can take part in more outdoor activities from Wednesday 13 May
See the full document for details
A large group of people, assessed as particularly vulnerable must take further action and observe the following additional guidelines:
There are two classes of people referred to as vulnerable. These are the 'vulnerable' and the 'highly vulnerable'. There are new instructions for both groups (HM Gov update 11th May 2020)
Vulnerable people
Clinically vulnerable people are those who are:
- aged 70 or older (regardless of medical conditions)
- under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (that is, anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds):
- chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
- chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
- chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy
- diabetes
- a weakened immune system as the result of certain conditions, treatments like chemotherapy, or medicines such as steroid tablets
- being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
- pregnant women
In addition, there may be people who do not fit in any of the categories listed above, but who have been advised that they are clinically vulnerable by their GP or other health professional.
All people who fall into this category must stay at home as much as possible, and take particular care to avoid contact with others outside of their household if they go out.
Highly vulnerable people
This is the group who have received a 'Shielding letter' or other instruction from a medical authority such as their GP. Their updated instructions do not seem to have been substantially changed and can be found here. This group of people need to stay at home, do not go out, keep shielding. The Government is currently advising people to shield until the end of June and is regularly monitoring this position.
Does easing restrictions apply to healthy 70 year olds and over? (see section 2)
How long will shielding be in place? (see section 2.2)
April 17th: Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19
HM governments latest update for people who may be extremely vulnerable. You can find the full guidelines here.
In particular NOTE: guidelines on registering as a highly vulnerable patient.
Background and scope of guidance
This guidance is for people who are clinically extremely vulnerable, including children. It’s also for their family, friends and carers.
People who are clinically extremely vulnerable should have received a letter telling them they’re in this group or been told by their GP.
It’s for situations where a clinically extremely vulnerable person is living at home, with or without additional support. This includes clinically extremely vulnerable people living in long-term care facilities for the elderly or people with special needs.
If you have been told that you’re clinically extremely vulnerable, you should:
- follow the advice in this guidance
- register online even if you do not need additional support now
Who is ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’?
Expert doctors in England have identified specific medical conditions that, based on what we know about the virus so far, place someone at greatest risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
Clinically extremely vulnerable people may include the following people. Disease severity, history or treatment levels will also affect who is in the group.
- Solid organ transplant recipients.
- People with specific cancers:
- people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy
- people with lung cancer who are undergoing radical radiotherapy
- people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment
- people having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
- people having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
- people who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs
- People with severe respiratory conditions including all cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD).
- People with rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), homozygous sickle cell).
- People on immunosuppression therapies sufficient to significantly increase risk of infection.
- Women who are pregnant with significant heart disease, congenital or acquired.
People who fall in this group should have been contacted to tell them they are clinically extremely vulnerable.
If you’re still concerned, you should discuss your concerns with your GP or hospital clinician.
Check this is the right guidance for you
There’s different guidance if you are not clinically extremely vulnerable.
Follow the different guidance if any of the following apply to you:
- you do not have any of the conditions that makes you clinically extremely vulnerable
- you have not been told by your GP or specialist that you’re clinically extremely vulnerable or received a letter
Staying at home and shielding
You’re strongly advised to stay at home at all times and avoid any face-to-face contact if you’re clinically extremely vulnerable to protect yourself.
This is called ‘shielding’.
Shielding means:
- Do not leave your house.
- Do not attend any gatherings. This includes gatherings of friends and families in private spaces, for example, family homes, weddings and religious services.
- Strictly avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough.
The Government is currently advising people to shield until the end of June and is regularly monitoring this position.
Handwashing and respiratory hygiene
There are general principles you should follow to help prevent the spread of airway and chest infections caused by respiratory viruses, including:
- wash your hands more often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser. Do this after you blow your nose, sneeze or cough, and after you eat or handle food
- avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- avoid close contact with people who have symptoms
- cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin
- clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home
Register for support
Everyone who has received a letter advising that they are clinically extremely vulnerable should register online if you need any extra support, for example, essential groceries delivered to your home.
Please register even if:
- you do not need support now
- you’ve received your letter from the NHS
Register for support
- register online
- call 0800 028 8327
Please have your NHS number with you when you register. This will at the top of the letter you have received letting you know you are clinically extremely vulnerable, or on any prescriptions.
Letters to clinically extremely vulnerable people
The NHS in England has contacted clinically extremely vulnerable people with the conditions listed above to provide further advice.
If you have not received a letter or you have not been contacted by your GP but you’re still concerned, you should discuss your concerns with your GP or hospital clinician.
Help with food and medicines if you’re shielding
Ask family, friends and neighbours to support you and use online services.
If you cannot get the help you need, the government can help by delivering essential groceries and support. It may take time for support offered through this service to arrive. If you have not received a letter from the NHS then you may not be able to receive the support offered through this service. If you need urgent food or care, please contact your local council.
Getting your prescriptions
Prescriptions will continue to cover the same length of time as usual.
If you do not currently have your prescriptions collected or delivered, you can arrange this by:
- Asking someone who can pick up your prescription from the local pharmacy (this is the best option, if possible).
- Contacting your pharmacy to ask them to help you find a volunteer (who will have been ID checked) or deliver it to you.
You may also need to arrange for collection or delivery of hospital specialist medication that is prescribed to you by your hospital care team.
If you receive support from health and social care organisations, for example, if you have care provided for you through the local authority or health care system, this will continue as normal.
Your health or social care provider will be asked to take additional precautions to make sure that you are protected. The advice for formal carers is included in the home care provision.
Visits from essential carers
Any essential carers or visitors who support you with your everyday needs can continue to visit unless they have any of the symptoms of coronavirus. Everyone coming to your home should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arrival to your house and often while they are there.
If your main carer becomes unwell
Speak to your carers about back-up plans for your care in case your main carer is unwell and needs to self-isolate.
You should have an alternative list of people who can help you with your care if your main carer becomes unwell. You can also contact your local council for advice on how to access care.
Living with other people
The rest of your household do not need to start shielding themselves, but they should do what they can to support you in shielding and to carefully follow guidance on social distancing.
At home you should:
- Minimise the time other people living with you spend in shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas, and keep shared spaces well ventilated.
- Keep 2 metres (3 steps) away from people you live with and encourage them to sleep in a different bed where possible. If you can, use a separate bathroom from the rest of the household. Use separate towels from the other people in your house, both for drying themselves after bathing or showering and for hand-hygiene purposes.
- If you share a toilet and bathroom with others, it’s important that they are cleaned every time after use (for example, wiping surfaces you have come into contact with). Consider drawing up a rota for bathing, with you using the facilities first.
- If you share a kitchen with others, avoid using it while they’re present. If you can, take your meals back to your room to eat. If you have one, use a dishwasher to clean and dry the family’s used crockery and cutlery. If this is not possible, wash them using your usual washing-up liquid and warm water and dry them thoroughly. If you are using your own utensils, remember to use a separate tea towel for drying these.
- Everyone in your household should regularly wash their hands, avoid touching their face, and clean frequently touched surfaces.
If the rest of your household are able to follow this guidance, there is no need for them to take the full protective measures to keep you safe.
If you do not want to be shielded
Shielding is for your personal protection. It’s your choice to decide whether to follow the measures we advise.
For example, if you have a terminal illness, or have been given a prognosis of less than 6 months to live, or have some other special circumstances, you may decide not to undertake shielding.
This will be a deeply personal decision. We advise calling your GP or specialist to discuss this.
Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of one or both of the following:
- new continuous cough
- high temperature (above 37.8°C)
If you develop symptoms
If you think you have developed symptoms of COVID-19 such as a new, continuous cough or fever, seek clinical advice using the NHS 111 online coronavirus service or call NHS 111. Do this as soon as you get symptoms.
In an emergency, call 999 if you’re seriously ill. Do this as soon as you get symptoms.
Do not visit the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital.
Prepare a single hospital bag. This will help the NHS provide you with the best care if you need to go to hospital as a result of catching coronavirus. Your bag should include:
- your emergency contact
- a list of the medications you take (including dose and frequency)
- any information on your planned care appointments
- things you would need for an overnight stay (for example, snacks, pyjamas, toothbrush, medication)
- your advanced care plan (only if you have one)
Hospital and GP appointments if you’re shielding
Everyone should access medical assistance online or by phone wherever possible.
However, if you have a scheduled hospital or other medical appointment during this period, talk to your GP or specialist to ensure you continue to receive the care you need and determine which of these appointments are absolutely essential.
Your hospital may need to cancel or postpone some clinics and appointments. You should contact your hospital or clinic to confirm appointments.
Looking after your mental wellbeing
Social isolation, reduction in physical activity, unpredictability and changes in routine can all contribute to increasing stress.
Many people, including those without existing mental health needs, may feel anxious. For example, how it could affect support with daily living, ongoing care arrangements with health providers, support with medication and changes in their daily routines.
If you’re receiving services for your mental health, learning disability or autism and are worried about the impact of isolation, please contact your key worker or care coordinator or provider to review your care plan. If you have additional needs, please contact your key worker or care coordinator to develop a safety or crisis plan.
Understandably, you may find that shielding and distancing can be boring or frustrating. You may find your mood and feelings are affected and you may feel low, worried or have problems sleeping and you might miss being outside with other people.
At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse.
Constantly watching the news can make you feel more worried. If you think it is affecting you, try to limit the time you spend watching, reading, or listening to media coverage of the outbreak. It may help to only check the news at set times or limit this to a couple of times a day.
Try to focus on the things you can control, such as your behaviour, who you speak to and who you get information from. Every Mind Matters provides simple tips and advice to start taking better care of your mental health.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, please see the NHS mental health and wellbeing advice website for self-assessment, audio guides and tools that you can use.
If you’re still struggling after several weeks and it’s affecting your daily life, please contact NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111.
Staying mentally and physically active
There are simple things you can do that may help, to stay mentally and physically active during this time such as:
- look for ideas of exercises you can do at home on the NHS website
- spend time doing things you enjoy such as reading, cooking, other indoor hobbies or listening to favourite radio programmes or watching TV
- try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water, exercise regularly, and try to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs
- try spending time with the windows open to let in the fresh air, arranging space to sit and see a nice view (if possible) and get some natural sunlight, or get out into any private space, keeping at least 2 metres away from your neighbours and household members if you are sitting on your doorstep
Staying connected with family and friends
Use support you might have through your friends, family and other networks during this time. Try to stay in touch with those around you over the phone, by post or online.
Let people know how you would like to stay in touch and build that into your routine. This is also important in looking after your mental wellbeing and you may find it helpful to talk to them about how you are feeling if you want to.
Remember, it is OK to share your concerns with others you trust and in doing so you may end up providing support to them, too. Or you might want to try an NHS recommended helpline.
Unpaid carers who provide care for someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable
If you’re caring for someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable, there are some simple steps that you can take to protect them and to reduce their risk.
Ensure you follow advice on good hygiene:
- only provide care that is essential
- wash your hands when you arrive and often, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- do not visit or provide care if you are unwell and make alternative arrangements for their care
- provide information on who they should call if they feel unwell, how to use NHS 111 online coronavirus service and leave the number for NHS 111 prominently displayed
- find out about different sources of support that could be used and accessing further advice on creating a contingency plan is available from Carers UK
- look after your own wellbeing and physical health during this time. See further information from Every Mind Matters
More information on providing unpaid care is available.
People living in long-term care facilities, for the elderly or people with special needs
This guidance also applies to clinically extremely vulnerable people living in long-term care facilities. Care providers should carefully discuss this advice with the families, carers and specialist doctors caring for such people to ensure this guidance is strictly adhered to.
Parents and schools with clinically extremely vulnerable children
This guidance also applies to clinically extremely vulnerable children in mainstream and special schools. If you live with a child who is clinically extremely vulnerable you should try to follow the advice on living with other people, you should continue to have physical contact to provide essential care.
NICE Guidance for Respiratory Patients with regard to COVID-19
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guides the UK NHS and its clinicians as well a social care professionals when good, balanced and well-researched opinions are needed for a new situation, or an update is needed for an existing medical condition. Consequently NICE has brought out a series of guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus infections as the epidemic has developed and doctors may refer to those guidelines for the best way to treat their infected patients who also have a respiratory disease.
NICE can also respond to specific questions from clinicians and some questions relate to people with respiratory disease. We know that some steroid medication can leave patients slightly more vulnerable to some types of infection, so the question was posed "is it better to stop taking steroid medication to help prevent a COVID-19 infection or shall we advise patients to continue taking steroid medication to control their symptoms".
- The first set of guidelines were designed for doctors treating patients with asthma and importantly defines exactly what they mean by severe asthma which is
"severe asthma is defined by the European Respiratory Society and American Thoracic Society as asthma that requires treatment with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids plus a second controller, and/or systemic corticosteroids to prevent it from becoming or remaining 'uncontrolled' despite this therapy"
As you might expect much of the document is quite technical, but it is clear that severe asthma patients who get a COVID-19 infection are to continue to use their normal medication including corticosteroid just as they did before infection.
- The second set of relevant guidelines refers to people who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
"The new guidance on community-based care of patients with COPD says all patients, including those with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, should continue taking their regular inhaled and oral medicines in line with their individualised self-management plan".
NICE says there is no evidence that treatment with inhaled corticosteroids for COPD increases the risk associated with COVID-19, so patients established on these drugs should continue to use them, and delay any planned trials of withdrawal. Patients on long-term oral corticosteroids should also be told to continue taking them at the prescribed dose.
Coronavirus Outbreak 2020 ANNOUNCEMENT: A notice for all patients that attend the National Aspergillosis Centre, Manchester, UK, 10th April.
A plea to all NAC patients
As you will be aware the NHS faces unprecedented times due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The National Aspergillosis Centre (NAC) team are extremely busy working on the frontline.
We are currently still trying to offer telephone consultations in place of face to face appointments. However, we are currently overwhelmed with the numbers of calls still required. May we politely request again that you call us to postpone all non-urgent telephone appointments.
Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CPA) Patients
Many patients have also been in contact with us regarding NHS social shielding letters and support. The National Aspergillosis Centre (NAC) has now sent letters to all NAC registered patients (and their GPs) who have a diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) advising that they are extremely vulnerable and should follow social shielding advice.
For further details on shielding and protecting highly vulnerable people click here.
All patients living in England will be added to the government’s list of extremely vulnerable people and can register for support at
NOTE: There is separate advice for patients living in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. For country-specific information regarding social shielding please follow these web links or contact you GP:
- Wales:
- Scotland:
- Northern Ireland: There does not seem to be any specific advice that has been published as yet, so you should make enquiries with your GP on how to proceed.
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) Patients
Patients with Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) and Severe Asthma with Fungal Sensitisation (SAFS) requiring to shield should have been identified by the NHS database searches across the UK. These searches were based on the medication you take to control your asthma. If you have not received a letter and you believe you have severe asthma you should first contact your local respiratory consultant or GP for advice. Please note that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have defined severe asthma for the purposes of COVID-19 as follows:
“asthma that requires treatment with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids (see inhaled corticosteroid doses for NICE's asthma guideline) plus a second controller and/or systemic corticosteroids to prevent it from becoming 'uncontrolled', or which remains 'uncontrolled' despite this therapy.”
Aspergillus bronchitis and Aspergillus sinusitis Patients
Aspergillus bronchitis and Aspergillus sinusitis have not been identified as risk factors for serious complications from COVID-19. If you have one of these conditions alone, you should not follow shielding advice. Instead, you should follow social distancing guidelines.
For further guidance on social distancing click here
Why is social distancing so important?
There has been much discussion around how the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is transmitted from person to person. How does it spread? How can we monitor, isolate and control the spread of COVID-19? Why is social distancing so important?
A recently published paper, provides new evidence which adds to our understanding of transition dynamics.
The study looked at viral loads in upper respiratory tracts of 18 people from Zhuhai in Guangdong, China. 14 of these people had recently returned to Zhuhai from Wuhan and 4 were ‘secondary infections’ i.e. they had not been to Wuhan. Swabs were taken at regular intervals as the infection progressed.
- 13 had signs of pneumonia on CT scans
- 3 required admission to intensive care
- 15 had mild to moderate illness
- 1 had no symptoms
- None had visited the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market
The paper describes the relationships between the people in the study. For example, one patient worked in Wuhan. He visited his wife, mother and a friend on January 17th. His wife and mother developed symptoms 3 and 5 days later and had virus detected soon after symptoms started. The friend had no symptoms but he too had positive swabs on days 7, 10 and 11 after contact.
The team also looked at viral load in the nose and throat of the patients who had symptoms from the day that their symptoms started. High viral loads were detected very soon after symptom onset, with more in the nose than the throat. There was similarity in the viral load of the symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. This suggests that asymptomatic carries can spread the virus too.
This is different to SARS, which caused a global epidemic in 2002-2003 with over 8000 cases in 25 countries, and suggests that very different case detection and isolation strategies are required to manage and control SARS-CoV-2.
For COVID-19, even people who have mild to moderate symptoms can be highly infectious, and they are very infectious very quickly, perhaps even before symptoms develop or very soon afterwards. This is why social distancing is so important.
Please follow official advice for social distancing, self-isolation or shielding depending on your circumstances.
- Social distancing is something we should all do to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Self-isolation is what people should do if they, or someone they live with, develop symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus.
- Shielding is a measure to protect people who are clinically extremely vulnerable by minimising all interaction between those who are extremely vulnerable and others.
ANNOUNCEMENT for all patients of the National Aspergillosis Centre
The National Aspergillosis Centre(NAC) is situated in the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) at Wythenshawe, Manchester, UK. As the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak spreads throughout the UK all hospitals are having to devote most of their activity to help with treating people who have been infected by coronavirus and who are having severe symptoms. Consequently, MFT is shutting down normal outpatient clinics to release staff from their normal duties until at least 1st June 2020. NAC patients are high risk so we have developed our policy to inform and carry on caring for our patents during this time. All patients will get a letter explaining all of this in addition to this note.
NAC Outpatient clinics (26/03/2020)
- MFT has instructed for all out-patient clinics to be cancelled from 26/03/20.
- All new NAC patient appointments will be re-scheduled until after 31/05/20.
- A letter has now been sent to all NAC patients with follow-up appointments from 26/03/20 until 31/05/20 to advise them that their face to face appointment has now been converted to a telephone appointment that will be conducted in the same week as their scheduled appointment.
- In order to significantly reduce the number of consultations patients have been asked in this letter to call our secretarial team to re-arrange their appointment unless it is absolutely necessary.
- Two attempts will be made to telephone each patient; thereafter if no contact can be made their appointment will be re-scheduled by 3 to 6 months.
- If patients are deemed by a consultant to require face to face review following telephone consultation they will be booked into NAC clinic on a Friday morning. No face to face consultations will occur on a Wednesday P.M or Thursday A.M.
- If a patient requiring face to face review has symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 they will be asked to self-isolate for 7 days prior to being reviewed in the hospital.
- Telephone consultations will be held during the same week as the patient scheduled appointment. Due to staffing constraints scheduled appointment times cannot be adhered to. Where blood or sputum sampling is required to inform patient management postal packs will be sent out to patient homes.
- Patients that telephone NAC clinic administrators will be assessed, re-scheduled until after 31/05/20 or passed to a specialist nurse.
- Patients who contact the booking centre should be directed to email
- Weekly patient Zoom support meetings are now taking place every day 10am. Register at
- Monthly patients support meetings at NAC will now take place online at the same address, starting 02/04/2020
Covert infections and the spread of coronavirus
Yesterday, the Prime Minister introduced strict limitations on when and how we can move about and live our lives. He said we should leave our homes only if absolutely necessary. Why is this so important?
The Scientific Journal, Nature, has published an interesting and informative article about the proportion of people with mild or no symptoms of COVID-19 who could be spreading the virus and this information highlights why limiting our movements can help to reduce the spread of coronavirus.
The first important question is how many people are contracting this virus but are experiencing few or no symptoms? It is thought that the number may be quite high because there have been many community acquired infections where the patient has no links to known COVID-19 cases and has not travelled to any area with a large outbreak.
Those people with few or no symptoms may be totally unaware they have the virus and continue to behave as normal. The article calls COVID-19 infections of this sort ‘covert infections’.
Understanding the covert infection rate is crucial if we are to slow the spread of the virus and prevent new outbreaks.
One study that the article reports on looked at 565 Japanese citizens who were all evacuated from Wuhan in February. They were regularly monitored and tested. 13 were infected but 4 (31%) had no symptoms.
The Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined with 3711 people on board, was another opportunity to study covert infections. There were 700 infections on the ship and 18% of those showed no symptoms. The authors of this study pointed out though that the average age of the people on the cruise ship was relatively high and this could have affected the data because older people tend to experience worse symptoms than younger people.
Finally, there is a suggestion that children may experience mild or no symptoms in 56% of cases.
All of this data show just how important it is to enforce extreme social distancing measures if we are to stop the virus from spreading.
Take a look at the article, it’s available for free on the Nature website.
Do I Have Coronavirus?
What is a dry continuous cough? What if I have a runny nose? How high is a high temperature?
This BBC video answers all these questions and more.