Interview with CPA patient
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This patient had severe kyphoscoliosis as a child with insertion of spinal rods in early adulthood. She is a life-long non-smoker. She first presented in 2001 with an irritating cough and several treatments with antibiotics failed to alleviate it.Aspergillus precipitin titre was high and she was initially diagnosed with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis with one cavity containing an aspergilloma. This patient developed resistance to all azole therapies.
Open the windows Poetry & Medicine
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Literary event - Manchester Literature Festival hosted at Manchester Museum to increase awareness of Aspergillosis, in October 2013. Exploring literature, music and medicine.
Stewart Armstrong: A personal account on discovering that he has aspergillosis
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So this was meant to only be about 5 minutes long and has ended up being 18 minutes... But please watch. I am trying to raise as much awareness as possible for two diseases I have Sarcoidosis and Aspergillosis and you can all help me achieve my goal.
Bridging the Health Divide in Europe
Reducing inequalities and the impact of austerity measures on respiratory healthcare.
This ERS Vision documentary was produced to help raise the awareness of inequality of healthcare across Europe, notably in respiratory medicine. Bringing together experts from different organizations such as the European Respiratory Society, World Health Organisation, EuroHealthNet, this video addresses important issues that are affecting respiratory healthcare in today’s difficult economic climate.
European Respiratory Society: The current difficult econominc and financial environment is causing significant differences in the treatment of resiratory disease across europe.
Translational Medicine in Respiratory Disease
Research into new drugs & other treatments is very slow. This video explorers ways we may speed that up' Prof. Peter Barnes presents this latest instalment of ERS Vision. The film looks at ways to break down the barriers that obstruct and delay the development of new medicines at every stage of the discovery process. Leading experts in the field tackle issues such as data protection, risk management, protocol development and European regulations, and emphasise the importance of developing active collaborations between the different stakeholders involved in the drug development process.
European Respiratory Society: Speeding up the development of new treatment by removing barriers to progress.
ERS Vision - Personalising Respiratory Care in Europe
Personalised medicine is transforming the way disease is prevented, treated and managed. This has been coupled with an advance in telehealth technology, allowing patients to monitor their own symptoms on portable electronic devices or mobile phones.
Nutritional Science in the Prevention & Management of COPD
Poor diet and weight loss (and obesity) needs to be treated in people with chronic lung conditions - including aspergillosis. This video describes the latest research results for COPD, some of which may be applicable for other chronic lung conditions.
Designing Drugs to Better Help Real Lives
Are drugs designed to work best for all patients?
Are randomised controlled trials achieving the results we need for patients? In the latest instalment of ERS Vision, Professor Elisabeth Bel leads a discussion on the relevance of real-life evidence and whether it can enhance existing guidelines.
The documentary considers how we can ask the right questions to provide the right solutions for each individual patient. Leading experts consider the value of this type of research, along with the issues surrounding quality standards, costs and how it can be effectively designed and applied.
The Lung Health Research & Medicine Revolution
Over the past century we have become adept at suppressing the symptoms of respiratory diseases but we have made little progress in curing them. Respiratory diseases are responsible for over 650,000 deaths annually in the EU and the burden on health systems is increasing as the population ages. A revolutionary collaborative approach to research funding is providing new insights into the origins of chronic respiratory diseases. All stakeholders in respiratory medicine are pooling their knowledge and resources to focus on risk factors to find cures, formulate new vaccines and develop cutting-edge technologies to tackle the burden of chronic respiratory diseases.
Clean Air and Lung Health
Clean air is vitally important for people who live with aspergillosis. Chemical pollutants have the capacity to worsen symptoms and quality of life, PM2.5 particulates (mentioned in this video) include aspergillus and other fungal spores.
Mortality attributable to ambient / household air pollution is numbered in the millions and is affecting people in both developing and developed countries. This documentary tackles the issues faced by both the public and patients regarding the fight for clean air — air free from particulate matter, pathogens, smoke and dangerous gases. While there has been significate progress in the last decades in terms of air quality, we still have a lot of work to do in order to reach the levels suggested in WHO guidelines.