Patients & Carers meeting December 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
December 2016 Azad Aziz Request for patients representative on research project panel 0'00'00secs 0'10'38secs
Graham Atherton Christmas quiz 2016 0'10'38secs 0'59'01secs
Graham Atherton NIHR Clinical Research Centre and ECMM Centre of Expertise 1'09'39secs 0'11'33secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

Patients & Carers meeting November 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
November 2016 Paul Bowyer Why do people get ABPA? - our latest research 0'00'00secs 0'37'08secs
Graham Atherton Chronic inflammation and mast cells 0'37'08secs 0'52'15secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting

Resources mentioned:

Fungal Infection Trust

Manchester Fungal Infection Group

Medicine for the mind 

Science to Life

Mast cell activation syndrome

Patients & Carers meeting October 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
October 2016 Liz Wilson Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) 0'00'00secs 0'39'45 secs
Graham Atherton Antifungal resistance - change the pauses
Mycotoxin slows down cilia
0'39'45secs 0'40'15secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

Youtube video of cilia

Fungal Infection Trust website

Patients & Carers meeting September 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
September 2016 Ginny Wall Breathworks and Mindfulness 0'00'00secs 1'08'30secs
Graham Atherton Group projects 1'08'30secs 0'24'30secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:


Scottish Medicines Consortium National Institute for Health and Care Excellence James Lind Alliance James Doubleday Manchester fund European Lung Foundation

Other relevant information resources

Patients & Carers meeting August 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
August 2016 Graham Atherton Stress: What is it and how to manage it 0'00'00secs 1'00'40secs
Chris Harris Exercise and Breathing 1'00'40secs 0'18'30secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

Patients & Carers meeting July 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
July 2016 Graham Atherton Indoor Air Quality 0'00'00secs 0'48'43secs
Dr. Karl Heyes and Dr Alexandra Ball Aspergillosis and Lung transplant: "If my lungs are that bad, why can't I just have a transplant?" 0'48'43secs 1'05'00secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

Patients & Carers meeting June 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
June 2016 Chris Harris Funding new antifungals at the NAC 0'00'00secs 0'22'30secs
David Denning A summary of all the antifungals in development 0'22'30secs 1'04'30secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

Chris Harris' poster

How to bolster the antifungal pipeline

Patients & Carers meeting May 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
May 2016 Jenny Ratner Patient involvement in Research 0'00'00secs 0'50'10secs
Graham Atherton Patient Networking and FIT are 25 0'50'10secs 1'27'15secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

Resources mentioned:

National Institute for Health Research
James Lind Alliance
Access Pfizer

Patients & Carers meeting April 2016

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
April 2016 Graham Atherton 7th Advances Against Aspergillosis for patients 0'00'00secs 0'41'56secs
Reyenna Sheehan Importance of highly effective sputum collection, and how to achieve it 0'41'56secs 0'25'00secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate meeting)

Resources mentioned:

7th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Manchester


Other 7th AAA abstracts

Access Pfizer

Patients & Carers meeting March 2016 (7th AAA)

Patients Meeting at the 7th Advances Against Aspergillosis Conference in Manchester

Date Speaker Title Time starts Duration
March 2016 Ritesh Agarwal MD Sinusitis and ABPA 0'00'00secs 0'16'15secs
Richard Moss MD Allergic Aspergillosis and Cystic Fibrosis 0'16'15secs 0'16'20secs
Darius Armstrong-James FRCP NAC Satellite Clinic in London 0'23'35secs 0'15'05secs
Stuart Levitz MD Fungal Vaccines 0'47'45secs 0'13'20secs
Jeanette Boyd European Lung Foundation 1'01'40secs 0'16'35secs
Vicky Barber British Lung Foundation 1'17'40secs 0'07'10secs
Led by Graham Atherton Entire meeting (alternate version)

This month's meeting took place at the 7th Advances Against Aspergillosis international meeting in Manchester. As a result we were able to invite a series of expert speakers from around the world to respond to our audience and patients & carers asked many important questions over an hour and a half - well worth listening to.

Also see the speakers in full video at

Resources mentioned:

7th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Manchester

European Lung Foundation

British Lung Foundation