Breaking Thought Cycles Using Mindfulness
Psychiatrist and addiction expert Judson Brewer shares groundbreaking research on the mechanism of mindfulness practices that effectively help quell cravings of all kinds, including smoking.
Prescribe Happiness to Improve Our Health
At 37 years old, physician, public health advocate, entrepreneur and grassroots organizer Vivek Murthy is one of the youngest U.S. Surgeon Generals in our nation’s history, and the first one of Indian descent. Prior to his confirmation, he was a physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital and a Hospitalist Attending and Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He was President and cofounder of Doctors for America, a national grassroots organization of 15,000 medical students and physicians advocating for high-quality and equitable health care.
What Happens When Patients Lead the Health Team?
Who knows better how to heal a community than those who inhabit it? America Bracho's Latino Health Access trains local promotoras to teach neighbors and friends how to be healthy.
Getting a grip on pain and the brain: Prof Lorimer Moseley
Getting a grip on pain and the brain - Professor Lorimer Moseley - Successful Ageing Seminar 2013.
Recommended by an aspergillosis patient who lives with chronic pain as helpful in managing your pain.
All day in hospital
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I have Sarcoidosis, Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CPA) and a very low CD4 count. I have challenged myself to do a daily vlog for 30 days
Follow me on twitter @StewArmstrong
This meeting was for July 2016.
How to produce a sputum sample when asked
Physiotherapy - active cycle of breathing technique
Simple steps for patients to loosen phlegm in the lungs and easily produce sputum samples for testing in the clinic. Designed for aspergillosis patients or any patients with respiratory illnesses.
Presented by National Aspergillosis Centre Specialist Physiotherapist Phil Langridge
Meet e-Patient Dave: Take control of your illness management
Dave deBronkart: Meet e-Patient Dave
When Dave deBronkart learned he had a rare and terminal cancer, he turned to a group of fellow patients online — and found the medical treatment that saved his life. Now he calls on all patients to talk with one another, know their own health data, and make health care better one e-Patient at a time.
What healthcare will look like in 2020: Patient communication
What healthcare will look like in 2020 | Stephen Klasko | TEDxPhiladelphia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How will healthcare change in the future? Dr. Stephen Klasko shares his insights on healthcare reform in this informative talk cleverly staged in the year 2020. As the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and its affiliated Hospital, Dr. Klasko manages enormous change – both in health care and in the business of running a major college and hospital. His work focuses on merging the two, finding ways to expand medicine into the community in innovative ways.
Dr. Stephen Klasko is the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System. Jefferson is the largest freestanding academic medical center in Philadelphia, with over 12,000 employees and 3,700 students.
How to use nebulised amphotericin
This is a video for ABPA/SAFS patients, showing how to set up and use nebulisers for salbutamol and amphotericin.
If you'd rather watch a shorter video which just shows you how to use the equipment, skip to 3:50 in the video
David Haussler: What Can We Learn From Sequencing Our Genomes?
David Haussler explores the question, “What information is hidden inside your genome?” By comparing the sequenced genomes of different organisms, researchers can identify changes in the genetic code that led to specific evolutionary innovations in the past. The implications for medicine and biology are profound. However, as Haussler mentions, more computational talent is required to analyze such a large number of genomes, especially as more genomes continue to be sequenced at an increasingly rapid pace.