Many people with Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis were asked to shield themselves from exposure to the coronavirus COVID-19 in March 2020 as they were thought to be especially vulnerable to the consequences of infection by the respiratory virus.
Back in March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic was progressing rapidly and there was some doubt about how well we might be able to contain it in the UK using a variety of social spacing measures, consequently, it was appropriate for the most vulnerable to be especially protected. We also knew relatively little about the virus and how it is transmitted, which groups might be more vulnerable to infection and severe symptoms.
More recently, by late May 2020 the pandemic in the UK is currently well under control with the number of cases in the community falling rapidly week on week, estimated at 17% between May 10 and 21st (AskZoe).
There is a real risk that extending shielding will have an overall detrimental impact on health, particularly on the mental health of those shielding, so it is important that we limit the numbers of people to those who absolutely have to, and ease up restrictions on those that have to carry on when it is deemed safe enough to do so.
The overall authority in England is Public Health England (PHE) and they released updated guidelines for people who are shielding here on 31st May 2020.
What has changed
The government has updated its guidance for people who are shielding taking into account that COVID-19 disease levels are substantially lower now than when shielding was first introduced.
People who are shielding remain vulnerable and should continue to take precautions but can now leave their home if they wish, as long as they are able to maintain strict social distancing. If you choose to spend time outdoors, this can be with members of your own household. If you live alone, you can spend time outdoors with one person from another household. Ideally, this should be the same person each time. If you do go out, you should take extra care to minimise contact with others by keeping 2 metres apart. This guidance will be kept under regular review.
Read further information on schools and the workplace for those living in households where people are shielding. This guidance remains advisory.
Advice for Wales (updated but there may be some differences to PHE advice)
Advice for Scotland (not yet changed so are now different to England & Wales)
Advice for Northern Ireland (not yet changed but may change on June 8th)
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