Awareness and Fundraising
If you or a loved one is affected by aspergillosis, there are many ways to help raise awareness and contribute to research and education into this serious disease.
The Aspergillosis Trust is a registered charity led by the community of patients and carers, which aims to raise awareness of the condition.
Fungal Infection Trust
The Fungal Infection Trust supports the work carried out by the National Aspergillosis Centre including this website and NAC Facebook support groups and the Manchester Fungal Infection Group (MFIG) and they provide support worldwide to research groups investigating aspergillosis.
The Trust’s objectives are the following:
- To advance education, particularly amongst physicians and scientists about mycology, fungal diseases, fungal toxicology and microbial disease in general.
- To promote and publish research in all aspects of mycology, fungal diseases, fungal toxicology and microbial disease (of all living things).
- Generally to support basic research into fungi and fungal disease, train scientists into mycology and related disciplines.
A major cause of serious infection and death is the lack of expertise required to accurately and quickly diagnose many severe fungal infections. Treatment costs are falling, we can improve this situation but awareness is often poor. The Fungal Infection Trust aims to provide practical assistance to medical professionals faced with the tasks of diagnosing these infections and resources for research to improve diagnostics.
FIT has long helped those who suffer from aspergillosis, a rare infection in those of us with a healthy immune system but is increasingly being found in those with impaired immunity (e.g. after a transplant operation) or damaged lungs (e.g. those with cystic fibrosis or who have had tuberculosis or severe asthma – and discovered most recently those with COVID-19 and the ‘flu!).
If you want to support aspergillosis research and support, please consider donating to the Fungal Infection Trust.
Donating directly to FIT
- Fungal Infection Trust account details at the UK charity commission website
- Fungal Infection Trust website
- Fungal Infection Trust achievements
The Fungal Infection Trust,
PO Box 482,
Cheshire SK10 9AR
Charity Commission number 1147658.
Leaving money to the Fungal Infection Trust in your will is a great way of ensuring you remember our work. People often use these donations in the UK to ensure that their estate (including property, savings, investments) falls below the limit for Inheritance Tax (charged at 40% over £325 000 estate value). The result is that the Fungal Research Trust would get your money rather than the Inland Revenue.
These arrangements are best made by a solicitor who specialises in this field. Locate one here (UK only) or here (USA).
Many charities have very full details on what to do. One of the best is Cancer Research UK.
If you use CRUK you will just have to change their details to that of the FRT, the rest of the information applies just as well to the FRT as it does to CRUK