National Aspergillosis Centre Patient Survey 2024

National Aspergillosis Centre Patients Survey 2024
0% Complete
1 of 6
Day of most recent consultation *

First, a few questions about how you are being seen at the moment

1. If you have had a virtual consultation with our team either by video consultation (myMFT) or by phone, how well did you feel it went? *
2. If you were given the choice in the future, would you choose to have your consultations face to face at Wythenshawe Hospital, by video consultation or by telephone consultation? *

3. How satisfied are you with the courtesy shown to you by our team: -

NAC Administrative Team *
Clinic Nurses *
Aspergillosis Specialist Nurses *
Doctor *
Physio *
CARES team (Commmunications) *
Specialist Pharmacist *

4. How satisfied were you with the communication and care provided by each member of the NAC team?: -

NAC Administrative Team *
Clinic Nurses *
Aspergillosis Specialist Nurses *
Doctor *
Physio *
CARES team (Commmunications) *
Specialist Pharmacist *