Patient Stories

Teerera kune ese anokunda Hippocrates NHS nhetembo

Hippocrates £5000 NHS mubairo wekutanga ( wakaenda kune aimbove chipangamazano Kate Compston anobva kuCornwall kuti aite nhetembo yekuburitsa pachena chirwere chedementia. Mubairo weHippocrates mubairo wepagore wenhetembo nemushonga une zuva rekuvhara re31st...

Panthera naParthenia M. Hicks

Ndinofungidzira nhema dzako dzekuzvarwa: nyika ine unyoro, kupfungaira nemagasi, kukwira kweplasma, masero asina kupatsanurwa, ropa rinoyangarara risina pokugara. Rakanga riri zuva rokutanga, kwete rechitanhatu, rima risati ravapo usiku nousiku hwava murara kana jeti. a...

Wadiwa Chiremba, Ndaverenga Play yako NAISHE BYRON (GEORGE GORDON)

Dear Doctor, I have read your play,Which is a good one in its way,Purges the eyes, and moves the bowels,And drenches handkerchiefs like towelsWith tears that, in a flux of grief,Afford hysterical reliefTo shatter'd nerves and quicken'd pulses,Which your catastrophe...

Kugamuchirwa kune yangu Aspergillosis peji!

Ndanga ndichitambura neABPA kwemakore anoda kusvika 4 ikozvino. Chiitiko changu chekutanga neABPA chakanditungamira kuchipatara ndine pleurecy, sepsis & pneumonia. Ivo vaisaziva panguva iyoyo kuti ndaive neABPA, uye vakafunga kuti ini ndaive neMicrobacterium Avium Complex. Kune imwe...

Sue Hurlburt

Mazuva mashoma mushure mekuvhiyiwa kwekukurumidzira musi wa1/30/2010 kuti ndiponese hupenyu hwangu, mumwe wevanachiremba vangu vechirwere chinotapukira (ndaive ne5) akandibvunza zvandaifunga kuti zvakaitika. Ndakamuudza kuti ndaifunga kuti "Perfect Storm" yemhando uye akabvuma. Unogona kubvunza, chii ...

Steph Smith

Uyu mufananidzo waSteph naamai vake Liz unoburitswa pano seimwe yenyaya nhatu chete dzakarekodhwa dzatinoziva pari zvino munhu ane hutano akarohwa ne invasive aspergillosis mushure mekufumurwa netsaona. Hatizive kana Steph akafemera netsaona...

Serena Wells

I was diagnosed back in 2006 with Invasive Aspergillosis in both the upper lobes of my lungs. I have been on and off several different Anti-Fungal's over the last 4 years. I am currently on Noxafil after my doctor's consulted with Dr, Denning, after a very scary time...