Unvalidated Laboratory Testing

Commercial laboratories can sell their diagnostic tests directly to the public, or they can be ordered by non-NHS providers of healthcare. The reasons given can sound very persuasive about how useful those test results can be – for example, testing for organic...

Osteoporosis (Thinning bones)

Many people with aspergillosis are vulnerable to osteoporosis, partly due to some of the medication they take, partly due to their genetics and partly age. There is a complete guide for the treatment of osteoporosis by the NHS at the National Institute for Health and...

Understanding a Fever

A fever, also known as pyrexia, is a common symptom that can occur in various illnesses and conditions. But what exactly is a fever, and why do we get one? It’s important to understand this symptom, as it’s often a sign that our bodies are fighting an...

Living with & Managing Chronic Illness

As many of you know, chronic conditions like Aspergillosis require more than just medical intervention. Chronic illnesses necessitate emotional resilience, adaptability, understanding, and physical strength. Patient-centric strategies have proven successful in...