Поддръжка на пациенти с аспергилоза и грижи

Предоставено от Националния център по аспергилоза на NHS

Новини и актуализации

Екипът на NAC CARES (Греъм, Крис, Бет и Лорън) следи всички най-нови медицински и научни събития, свързани с аспергилозата, и събира най-важните неща в нашия блог и бюлетин. Ние ги пишем на нетехнически език.

Статии в блога

The Role of Speech & Language Therapy (SALT)

Did you know Speech and language therapists (SLTs) play a crucial role in the management of patients with respiratory conditions?  The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) comprehensive factsheet on Upper Airway Disorders (UADs), is an essential...

Understanding How Our Lungs Fight Fungus

Airway epithelial cells (AECs) are a key component of the human respiratory system: The first line of defence against airborne pathogens such as Aspergillus fumigatus (Af), AECs play a crucial role in initiating host defence and controlling immune responses and are...

Chronic illness diagnosis and guilt

Living with a chronic disease can often lead to feelings of guilt, but it's important to recognize that these feelings are common and perfectly normal. Here are some reasons why individuals with chronic illnesses may experience guilt: Burden on others: People with...

Tipping Point – when for a time it just all feels like TOO MUCH

Alison's story with ABPA (T'was the week before Christmas...) As we journey through life with chronic conditions we can teach ourselves coping strategies   As the strategies work we gain a sense of achievement and I guess a pride that we can do this we can...

Chronic illness diagnosis and grief

Many of us will be familiar with the process of grief after a loved one has died, but did you realise that the same process often happens when you are diagnosed with a chronic illness such as aspergillosis? There are very similar feelings of loss:- loss of part of...

ABPA guidelines update 2024

Authoritative health-based organisations throughout the world occasionally release guidelines for doctors on specific health problems. This helps everyone give patients a consistent level of the right care, diagnosis and treatment and is particularly useful when the...

Salbutamol nebuliser solution shortage

We have been informed that there is an ongoing shortage of salbutamol solutions for nebulisers that is likely to last until summer 2024. If you live in Greater Manchester and you have COPD or asthma your GP has been provided with guidelines to ensure that any impact...

Celebrating British Science Week: The Vital Role of the Mycology Reference Centre Manchester

British Science Week presents the ideal opportunity to highlight the exceptional work of our colleagues at the Mycology Reference Centre Manchester (MRCM). Renowned for its expertise in diagnosing, treating, and researching fungal infections, the MRCM has made vital...

Harnessing the Power of a Symptom Diary: A Guide to Better Health Management.

Управлението на хронично заболяване може да бъде предизвикателно пътуване, изпълнено с несигурност. Съществува обаче инструмент, който може да помогне на пациентите да поемат контрол върху състоянието си и да им помогне да разберат потенциалните задействания и как факторите на начина на живот могат да повлияят на състоянието им. Това...

Отражение на пациента върху изследването: Дневникът на екзацербацията на бронхиектазията

Навигирането във влакчето на хроничните заболявания е уникално и често изолиращо преживяване. Това е пътуване, което може да бъде изпълнено с несигурност, редовни болнични прегледи и безкрайно търсене на връщане към нормалното. Това толкова често е реалността за...


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